Crochet Mistakes you need to avoid

Crochet Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Crochet is so easy that even small children can be taught. At the same time, there are so many advanced techniques that there is nearly infinite room for learning and creativity. However, there are a few mistakes that beginner crafters make that can have a serious impact on your finished project. Avoid these common mistakes with crochet to make sure that your project stands the test of time.

Using Poor Quality Yarn or the Wrong Materials

There are so many different materials available for crochet these days that it seems impossible to make a bad decision. From natural materials like cotton, hemp and bamboo to synthetic materials like acrylic and polyester all available around the world in a variety of colors, it seems like you couldn't make a bad choice. Indeed, part of the fun of learning crochet is the freedom to explore by using different materials to recreate familiar projects in new ways. However, there are a few standards that should be followed. Be sure to use the best quality yarn that you can afford. This is especially true when you will be giving your project as a gift. Poor quality yarn will show wear very quickly and may not hold up to heavy use. Also, be sure to use materials appropriate to your project. For example, use soft materials for baby items and stuffed toys. Use stiffer materials for rugs and mats.

Crochet Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Not testing gauge before beginning

Almost as important as selecting the correct materials is checking your gauge before you start. This means that once you have picked your materials, you get your crochet hooks out and do a test swatch using the recommended hook size. If your gauge is too large or small, you may need to use a different hook size, switch materials, or adjust the tension in your stitches. Skipping this step can lead to projects that are much smaller or larger than they are supposed to be.


Incorrect tension is a common beginner problem. If the tension you hold on your yarn is too tight, then your stitches will consequently be very tight. This will cause the finished fabric to buckle and warp and will also make it more difficult to get your hook into the stitches. On the other hand, if your tension is too loose, there will be a lot of extra space in between the stitches. This may not cause problems for projects such as blankets, but if you are making stuffed toys, the stuffing will come out through the holes.

Crochet tension

Counting Stitches Incorrectly - Shrinking or Growing Crochet

It is very important to pay attention to the number of stitches that are meant to be done. Be sure to pay attention to the pattern and whether or not you are meant to count beginning chains. If your beginning chain is to be counted as a stitch and you do not, then you will do one extra stitch each row or round. This will cause your project to grow in a triangle shape. Also, be sure to go all the way to end of each row or round and put your last stitch where it is meant to be. If you skip the last stitch, your project will shrink length wise. The easiest way to avoid these problems is to count your stitches and use removable stitch markers if necessary.

Poor finishing techniques

A well-done project can be made shabby by poor finishing techniques. Be sure to weave in the ends of your yarn sufficiently that they won't come loose. This is best done as you go, especially if you have to change colors. Be sure that all your knots are secured under stitches so that they will not be worked loose through handling and washing. Finally be sure to take the same care with details and trims that you have with the rest of the project. Well done details can significantly elevate the overall look and quality of your finished project.

Crochet is a fun hobby with a nearly limitless opportunity for growth and creativity. However, it is important to avoid a few common mistakes from beginning to end in order to create a project that is both beautiful and durable.